Photogrammetric Explorations

During pandemic lockdowns, cut off from fabrication facilities, I turned to photogrammetric captures from spaces close to me and close at hand, creating 3D digital objects which are point clouds.  As always, I jumped in with both feet and really enjoy working with the combination of ephemeral and permanence of these captures in time. Some of these have been placed in on-line web-based virtual spaces to create contemplative environments... still exploring the possibilities.

Above: screen capture from digital work space; "trou dans le bois"

Pandemic wandering  - virtual space to visit

WebXR forest virtual space populated with some trees from nearby trails.

You can visit without VR headset or special gear:

Link to quick video tour of WebXR virtual forest:

The inside exposed - decaying stump showing the internal structure of  branches that were.

 (This stump has since split and blown over in wind storm)

screenshot from digital workspace

I always feel as if this tree will slowly march forward - guardian spirit of the forest.

Seaton Trail, West Duffin Creek familiar

screenshot from digital workspace

The "sleeping dog" tree, who turns to acknowledge me as I enter the forest.

screenshot from digital workspace

more encounters...

The tangled roots that meet me half way up the (steep) slope while bicycling by.

screenshot from digital workspace

Why is this tree on tiptoe? What obstacles has it met? What story does it hold?

screenshot from digital workspace

My friend after snow fall.

screenshot from digital workspace

Fungi exuberance on fallen log

screenshot from digital workspace

Puffball explosion in October

screenshot from digital workspace

Sweet potato as sci-fi being

screenshot from digital workspace

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